We are thrilled to announce our first 2020 show: Trompe L’oeil Something, an Artsy.net-exclusive exhibition. A curated selection ranging from photographs, to drawings, to prints, to sculptures, our trompe l’oeil teasers wink at the line between reality and illusion. Shadows and furrows, some ethereal neon, and others so densely rendered as to appear solid, launch the subject from the two-dimensional space of the page.
Linda Lindroth manipulates vintage packaging into tangible objets in her pert photographs. Kacper Kowalski’s dizzying perspective transforms the Polish landscape into swaths of alien terrain and palpable texture. David Morrison’s hyperrealist Kohler wind-up birds are poised for flight, and abandoned branches cast abstracted echoes of form. Sticky, tumid bubbles swell from the surface of Julia Randall’s colored pencil pin-ups, while menacing hardware exaggerates the illusion. Reflections, shadows and prismatic refractions bend and collide in Janet Fish’s paintings, lending magic to her domestic still lifes. The scale of Margot Glass's miniature missives enhances their contemplative quality, evoking the weight of their concealed messages. Sandy Litchfield utilizes the complexity of her collages to slyly integrate trompe l'oeil elements, furthering the fantasy, and calling into question the veracity of the entire scene. Joan Grubin’s sculptures, born from studio flotsam, radiate a neon halo. Ann Aspinwall’s abstract linocuts appear to respire with each peak and valley.